A Short Summary of Marxist Methods and Murders
Why Critical Race Theory, a new and improved Marxism, represents the greatest threat to the country that pioneered human freedom.
America sleepwalks into a totalitarian nightmare.
A study of totalitarian movements summarizes their method to incite revolution. They follow a four-step process: 1. Impose a history emphasizing a group’s oppression. 2. Prove the oppression by listing inequalities. 3. Characterize dialogue as ineffective since the dominant oppressor group seeks to retain power. 4. Demand violence to remedy the social injustice.[i]
“These four tenets … are common to many of the most brutal massacres and regimes of the 20th century, from the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany to communist China and the Rwandan genocide.”[ii]
This pattern of advancing a totalitarian society describes perfectly the plans and goals in the United States of the Race War Marxists, who hide behind the unknowable Critical Race Theory, and who wear the friendly face of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
“In each case, an entire class of society is painted as unfairly privileged and as such inherently oppressive, with little regard to specific actions of the individual members of the group. Meanwhile, disagreement with or mere disinterest in this classification is taken as support for the perceived oppression. With reconciliation through dialog taken off the table, the only remaining recourse is conflict—a ‘revolutionary’ action where violence is seen as inevitable and, ultimately, preferable.”[iii]
Dividing a population into oppressor groups and oppressed groups gives revolutionary leaders great power to speak and act on behalf of the oppressed. For revolutionary leaders, grounded in a sociopathic personality, it’s a wonderland and a dream come true.
“You can do nearly anything.”[iv]
The changes sweeping across America are frightening because the people capable of advancing to the top rungs of revolutionary movements are cruel by nature. Their true ambition is destruction, hiding behind loud calls for social justice.
“The key thing you notice about social revolutionaries,” said a writer who has spent the last two years in virtual meetings and group chats of far-left protest groups in England, “is that their first instinct is always to destroy. These are not people who want to make our society better through reform or debate. Fundamentally, they believe our society is sick and incapable of reform in its current state. Their sole intent — whatever the “surface-level” issue is that they happen to be bleating about at the time — is to tear down this society and replace it with something else.”[v]
The quintessential Marxist, Vladimir Lenin, the mastermind of the Soviet founding, said a revolutionary has his own morality which is completely alien to ordinary conceptions of right and wrong. What is good for the Marxist is any action promoting the revolution. Any action is good if it destroys “the old exploiting society.”[vi] Dishonesty and crime are honorable if they weaken the oppressors. Marxists use the rules of war during a time of peace. They started to employ the rules of war in America probably at the same time they successfully seized power in Russia in 1917. To employ deceit is to embody perfection for a Marxist. They have had 100 years of practice. Critical Race Theory is the perfected incarnation of 100 years of trial-and-error.
“In The Education of Lev Kopelev, the memoir of a Russian Communist who later became a dissident, Kopelev recalled that along ‘with the rest of my generation, I firmly believed that the ends justified the means. Our great goal was the universal triumph of communism, and for the sake of that goal everything was permissible—to lie, to steal, to destroy hundreds of thousands and even millions of people, all those who were hindering our work or who could hinder it, everyone who stood in the way.’”[vii]
The criminal justice system in a Marxist society follows a new logic. An individual is guilty of crimes by virtue of being in the oppressor class. The most honest and principled person, with flawless conduct, is guilty if he is in the class the Marxist revolutionaries seek to imprison. Actions do not determine guilt or the need for punishment. Members in an oppressor group are guilty. Whites, under Critical Race Theory Marxism, are guilty. They are born with whiteness. They must be destroyed.
“Martyn Latsis, an official of the Cheka, Lenin’s secret police, in a 1918 instruction to interrogators, wrote: ‘We are not waging war against individuals. We are exterminating the bourgeoisie as a class . . . Do not look for evidence that the accused acted in word or deed against Soviet power. The first question should be to what class does he belong . . . It is this that should determine his fate.’”[viii]
If Race War Marxism wins enough power in America, the proponents will adopt crime as a necessary method of justice. We know this without question. They already have applied crime as a means to support their revolutionary ambition.
Antifa and Black Lives Matter led billions of dollars of looting and property destruction in the Summer 2020 riots. More than 650 protests included violence, assaults on police, vandalism or looting. At least 25 died in the protests.[ix] Conservatives watched in puzzled wonder, shocked and failing to comprehend why blue-city leaders failed to arrest violent criminal protestors.
What they failed to see is that criminal protests are outstanding first steps as Marxist revolutionary acts against whiteness. They are nonsensical outside of the ambitions of Critical Race Theory Marxism and its dream of a race war and destruction. Defunding the police gives the revolutionaries freedom to destroy the oppressor society.
For many decades now, going back at least 60 years, to the publication of Suicide of the West in 1964, observers have said America, based on the ambitions of the left, is trying to take its own life. Is trying to destroy itself. Civil war has been openly considered in recent years. The idea of dividing America into a red country and a separate blue country has gained in popularity.
“If the antiwhite fanatics carry the day and erase white society from the book of life, they take themselves with it in what will be remembered as the great suicide of the West. If this is resisted and avoided, it will most likely require a degree of ugliness as yet unimagined. Either way, the great epoch of ideology will not end well.”[x]
Those who wish to fight to save America must assume that the far left will employ the most barbaric methods in pursuing power. We are no longer in an era of reasoned debate. We are in an era of non-violent war by other means.
Lenin, the genius of the Soviet revolution, provides an honest warning of the kind of people who conservatives must meet, oppose and destroy in this epic battle.
“We must be ready to employ trickery, deceit, law-breaking, withholding and concealing truth…We can and must write in a language which sows among the masses hate, revulsion, and scorn toward those who disagree with us.”[xi]
In academia, the left has pushed, for many decades, the idea that there is no objective truth. This allows those who hold power on the left to dictate what is true without the need for evidence. Persuasion is used in a democracy. Persuasion is disgusting and primitive to the totalitarian left. They are the truth and the light and must not be questioned.
“When someone says there is no objective reality, what he means is that he intends to exercise power over you, and no facts or arguments you might present will dissuade him.”[xii]
We are converging with critical tipping points. It is impossible to believe that our currency will not fail when national debt has gone far past the rule-of-thumb breaking point – when government debt is greater than 100% of gross domestic product.
We currently have a $23 trillion economy and $28 trillion of national debt. The debt figure excludes the debts of social security and Medicare. When all federal debts are combined, the total national debt is estimated to exceed $200 trillion, meaning the $23 trillion spending limit has been obliterated, putting the United States and the dollar far beyond repair.
The destruction of the dollar is predicted by a cyclical theory of history. Democracies fail, by this theory, when voters elect politicians who send voters money. The years 2020, 2021 and 2022 have all featured a gusher of government spending. It is a great way to buy votes and destroy a currency. If you destroy a currency, you destroy a government. You initiate anarchy and invite civil war.
The destruction of the dollar is probably intentional. Huge fortunes will be made in bets against the dollar by a tiny number of individuals who somehow find the right timing. After the fall of the dollar, tens of millions in America will suffer through extreme poverty. Billions all around the world will endure a new poverty, setting the world back twenty or thirty years, as the dollar’s destruction goes global, initiating a depression of unprecedented magnitude.
Alexander Fraser Tytler, a judge, writer, and historian in the early 19th Century, provides a summary of the life cycle of a democracy and its currency. He predicts our future.
“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.”[xiii]
The generation of wealth, something that generations have worked for, can destroy meaning and morality for those who inherit what they did not build. The inheritors may have no appreciation for the blood, sweat and tears which created wealth. The inheritors will perceive themselves as unnecessary and second rate. They will hate the world for making them unimportant. Revolution will make them important.
The Christian writer Rod Dreher sees Race War Marxism, the best summary of Critical Race Theory, as having the power to break us.
“This leftist neoracist philosophy our corrupt elites have embraced is going to destroy our society by legitimizing racial tribalism.”[xiv]
The left controls so many levers of power. They have silenced many who object. In the fight initiated against Loyola Academy, the subject of this six-part series, with two formal groups organized to fight Critical Race Theory, I have not seen one adult publicly identify themselves as a leader of the opposition. The KidsWinLoyola website has no names listed. The Concerned Parents and Alumni of Loyola Academy is listed on Facebook as a private group.
Fear is the explanation for this anonymity. Fear has been normalized among parents who know something terrible has gone wrong at Loyola, but those parents lack the principles and determination required for serious reform. Their private lives and positions have a greater priority. Those of us who grew up in prosperity cannot fathom the risk taken by the Founding Fathers, who jeopardized life and fortune for their commitment to freedom, but we are beginning to understand.
“’People are afraid to speak honestly,’ said a doctor who immigrated to the U.S. from the Soviet Union, speaking not of Loyola, but of the political climate in the medical field. ‘It’s like back to the USSR, where you could only speak to the ones you trust.’ If the authorities found out (what you said), you could lose your job, your status, you could go to jail or worse. The fear here is not dissimilar.”[xv]
Having never lived through a revolution, Americans may only recognize the fallen state of the nation when the time to act has been lost. Professor Victor Davis Hanson, the preeminent public historian, who allows us to see the present in the patterns of the past, wonders if too many of us are failing to see what is happening all around us.
“In 1961, Cubans were not quite aware that they were experiencing a Marxist takeover. Nor were Russians fully cognizant in 1917 of the plans that the Bolsheviks had for them over the next few decades. It is hard to see during anarchy, chaos, and collapsing institutions that leftists still have an agenda for what will emerge on the other side. In other words, we are in the midst of a revolutionary epoch and probably most don't even know it.”[xvi]
Any reasonable account of the 20th Century marks the Marxist Russian revolution of 1917 as the beginning of “the greatest catastrophe in human history.”[xvii] The Russian revolution marks the starting point for what led to the deaths of somewhere between 100 million to over 200 million people murdered by Marxist governments.[xviii]
“There is a tendency for the most brutal and unscrupulous people to rise to the top because they are the types who are willing to take the necessary steps to seize power and who prize the kind of absolute power that socialism promises. Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and Pol Pot—these were not the kinds of people one might have encountered in faculty lounges or middle-class town meetings. They were blackguards and thugs one and all, thuggishness being the key attribute for rising to the top in a movement in which power went to those willing to experiment with the most extreme measures.”[xix]
The slavery and murder flowering from the Russian revolution runs from Eastern Europe and China to Cuba and North Korea, through Vietnam and Cambodia.
“The evidence for its malignant effects is obvious to anyone with sufficient curiosity to look at the historical record. The socialist movement has been responsible for the murder, imprisonment, and torture of many millions, and perhaps hundreds of millions, of innocent people during its heyday in the twentieth century.”[xx]
“While communists and socialists have not had a monopoly on democide (when a government murders its citizens), these movements … have been responsible for far more political killings in the modern era than any other political movement or form of government.”[xxi]
The political scientist Rudolph Rummel devoted his life to counting citizens murdered by their own government. He estimated that Marxist governments killed as many as 260 million people in the 20th century. Compare your impression and knowledge of 260 million murdered by Marxists versus your awareness of six million Jews killed by Nazis.[xxii]
Using basic math, your hatred of Marxists should be 43 times greater than your hatred of Nazis. If you are like most Americans, you have only a vague awareness of Marxist crimes, if you have any at all. Big Media and higher education have successfully censored the greatest crime in human history. They have also made Hitler a right-wing dictator, a bizarre designation for a man who led a socialist government. Hitler radically employed the concentration of power. He violated the primary ambition of a right-wing government: to take all necessary steps to divide and limit government power so that, for example, murderous dictators cannot unilaterally proclaim that Jews or whites must be exterminated to perfect society.
Marxist governments follow a pattern in managing a country which prepares the way for crimes against their citizens. First their economies fail. Then leaders blame the failure on a dissident group. The dissidents are arrested and, as the economy falls further, the murder begins. Murder is effective political policy when you seek to frighten everyone into silent assent.
“When there arose shortages of food or housing or military equipment—when socialist policies failed—leaders were faced with a choice of admitting failure and abandoning the socialist path or doubling down on their policies and preserving their power. It was in their nature to choose the latter course, and thus to press forward with more extreme measures, which typically involved the identification of scapegoats and counter-revolutionary elements as causes of failure. From here it was but a few steps to the catastrophic outcomes described above: show trials, terror famines, mass starvation, cultural revolutions, ‘killing fields,’ and democide.”[xxiii]
At first we could not believe this might happen in America. The design of the constitution counteracts the menace of concentrated power. Now we see a ruling elite, which glorifies concentrated power and is contemptuous of the constitution and ordinary people, can overrule words written on a piece of paper.
Race War Marxism, which demonizes whites, which goes by the name Critical Race Theory, and which presents itself publicly as Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, is the reigning religion of Big Tech, higher education, Big Corporate, the Deep State, the foundations, Big Media, the blue states, and K-12 public schools. They own everything in America. They own everything, except about 50% of the population, and a few critical state governments.
If the left succeeds and wins absolute control in America, conservatives can anticipate, a “brutal campaign of state-sponsored murder, torture, and persecution.”[xxiv] This is what Marxists do when they seize undivided control of a country.
“The question is often asked: why does the same thing happen over and over in socialist regimes? Socialist plans and policies—five-year plans repeated again and again, collectivization of agriculture, nationalization of industry, the concentration of power into the hands of a few—lead inevitably to economic collapse, repression, large-scale killing, and democide. It has happened according to script wherever socialism has been tried. Socialism always and everywhere begins with humanistic promises and ends in barbarism.”[xxv]
The Marxist crimes of the 20th Century are the greatest human failures. America has taken many big steps to repeat those failures. Even if there is only a one-in-ten chance we will go full-scale Marxist, the risk we have already taken on is far too great for a country founded on respect for the individual.
“The record speaks for itself: socialism is a hate crime, a doctrine of tyranny, mass murder, and human suffering on a vast scale.” [xxvi]
We are in greater danger than we believe. Tens of millions are spiritually homeless after the fall of Christian faith. They believe nothing. They will believe anything. Their parents are empty souls incapable of passing on the meaning in life. The promise of a perfect world after an inspired revolution fought for the oppressed has won a big audience for those who are lost and have no religious purpose. A true believer in the socialist dream makes themself the savior of the world simply by embracing the Marxist fraud. For a lost and angry person, this is a beautiful religion, and a great escape from self-hatred and emptiness.
Experts on totalitarian ideology say the Marxist faithful are so devoted to their religion that they would rather die than admit they are wrong. The sudden adoption of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion training, the mass indoctrination effort employed by Critical Race Theory; first in companies, and now in schools, is a step-by-step repetition of the ruthless plans for the seizure of power which Marxists employ when they win control of a society.
“What (has) made this secular religion (Marxism) so utterly lethal was its seizure of all the state's instruments of force and coercion and their immediate use to destroy or control all independent sources of power, such as the church, the professions, private businesses, schools, and, of course, the family.”[xxvii]
Loyola Academy is already one of the “independent sources of power” which has been brought into the Marxist fold. Students have been taught that an end to whiteness must be the first priority of American society. They have been taught that all whites are sociopathic. They have been taught that capitalism and white supremacy are pandemic conditions which must be eradicated.
White students have been asked to confirm and admit that they are the beneficiaries of all the crimes of history. They have been asked to apologize for their criminal history by renouncing their whiteness and its racist privileges. If they want to escape their whiteness, and join the side of good, they are free to join the side of the oppressed by declaring themselves a special-category victim.
The most popular victim category today for white girls is a transgender identification. If a girl says she is a boy, she makes herself an object of veneration. The vile nature of her whiteness is washed away. Teachers at Loyola ask students for their pronouns and how they “identify.” This is not an innocent exercise.
The teachers are encouraging their students to defect from whiteness, a world which includes the basic truths of male and female, and into the madness of Critical Race Theory Marxism, which you know by the name Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Teachers are grooming their students. They are leading them into a sexual maze so that they will be incapable of thinking for themselves. The teachers hope to make a Marxist radical whose pathology will confine them to a life of sexual obsession, “social Justice,” and revolution.
This psychopathic view of the world can only be defeated by courageous and ambitious opposition, including firing everybody who supports Critical Race Theory; firing everybody who supports Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; and firing everybody who supports Black Liver Matter; which are all names and branches of the same movement. That movement is Race War Marxism, which is, at present, the highest incarnation in this world of the hatred of God.
Only drastic action will save Loyola Academy, but there is no audience for this work. Nobody cares enough to right the wrong and begin the systemic reform required to initiate the school’s return to making students into men and women for God -- a job the Jesuits, the Catholic priests who run the school, have sworn off at least since the 70s, when I attended Loyola.
If my high school predicts the fate of America, Marxism, the religion which rules with slavery, bankruptcy, and murder; the religion which detests the family, worships the murder of God and idolizes hatred of life; the religion which dreams of suicide on a grand scale -- Marxism will rule us all.
My suggestion is to enjoy your privileges while you have them. They are scheduled for confiscation under the new regime. When they are taken from you, you will be made to love their loss. Your life and work, your God and your family, will no longer be your own. Everything you think of as yourself will belong to the state. That is where you will find true glory as men and women for others. You will act, not by your free will, the great gift of God to man, but at the command of your “social justice” superiors. They will know the way for you to act and what you should do. They will be happy to guide you through slavery.
This is post four of six in a series explaining Critical Race Theory, defined here as Race War Marxism, and its replacement of the Catholic religion at Loyola Academy, a Jesuit high school in Wilmette, Illinois.
Post #1 in the series described broad assumptions of Critical Race Theory and the efforts of the Jesuit president to cover up its use at Loyola (What I ask of you, Fr. McGrath). Post #2 provides a deep summary of Critical Race Theory (Critical Race Theory is Race War Marxism). The third post described evidence of the use of Critical Race Theory at Loyola Academy (Race War Marxism Invades Loyola Academy). Today’s post describes the horrors of the Marxist religion. A total of six chapters are planned for the series.
Contact the author: michael@michaeldavidwhite.com
[i] www.theepochtimes.com/woke-ideology-mimics-precursors-to-totalitarian-slaughter-experts-say_3865035.html Peter Svab. 6/22/21. Woke Ideology Mimics Precursors to Totalitarian Slaughter, Experts Say
[ii] www.theepochtimes.com/woke-ideology-mimics-precursors-to-totalitarian-slaughter-experts-say_3865035.html Peter Svab. 6/22/21. Woke Ideology Mimics Precursors to Totalitarian Slaughter, Experts Say
[iii] https://www.theepochtimes.com/woke-ideology-mimics-precursors-to-totalitarian-slaughter-experts-say_3865035.html Peter Svab. 6/22/21. Woke Ideology Mimics Precursors to Totalitarian Slaughter, Experts Say
[iv] https://www.theepochtimes.com/woke-ideology-mimics-precursors-to-totalitarian-slaughter-experts-say_3865035.html Janice Fiamengo, retired English professor. Quoted by PeterSvab. 6/22/21 Woke Ideology Mimics Precursors to Totalitarian Slaughter, Experts Say
[v] https://thecritic.co.uk/infiltrating-the-far-left/ Anonymous Mole. 8/6/21. Infiltrating the Far Left
[vi] https://www.wsj.com/articles/100-years-of-communismand-100-million-dead-1510011810 David Satter. 11/6/17. 100 Years of Communism -- and 100 Million Dead
[vii] A Code of Jewish Ethics, Volume 2. Love Your Neighbor as Yourself. (p. 450). Joseph Telushkin. Harmony/Rodale. Kindle Edition.
[viii] https://www.wsj.com/articles/100-years-of-communismand-100-million-dead-1510011810 David Satter. 11/6/17. 100 Years of Communism -- and 100 Million Dead
[ix] https://acleddata.com/2021/05/25/a-year-of-racial-justice-protests-key-trends-in-demonstrations-supporting-the-blm-movement/ The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project. A YEAR OF RACIAL JUSTICE PROTESTS: KEY TRENDS IN DEMONSTRATIONS SUPPORTING THE BLM MOVEMENT
[x] https://www.takimag.com/article/the-ideological-battlefield/ The Z Man. 7/12/21. The Ideological Battlefield
[xi] https://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/os-xpm-1985-04-12-0290120030-story.html Charley Reese. 4/12/85. AN INTERVIEW WITH LENIN THROUGH THE MAGIC OF HISTORICAL RECORD
[xii] https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2021/06/how-the-new-york-times-attitude-toward-crt-has-evolved.php John Hinderaker. Powerline. HOW THE NEW YORK TIMES’ ATTITUDE TOWARD CRT HAS EVOLVED
[xiii] https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/108530-a-democracy-cannot-exist-as-a-permanent-form-of-government Alexander Fraser Tytler
[xiv] https://www.theamericanconservative.com/dreher/the-coming-race-crack-up-critical-race-theory/ Rod Dreher. 6/21/21. Coming Race Crack-Up?
[xv] https://bariweiss.substack.com/p/what-happens-when-doctors-cant-speak Katie Herzog. 6/3/21. What Happens When Doctors Can't Tell the Truth?
[xvi] https://amgreatness.com/2021/08/15/are-we-in-a-revolution-and-dont-even-know-it/ Victor Davis Hanson. 8/15/21. Are We In a Revolution and Don't Even Know It?
[xvii] https://www.wsj.com/articles/100-years-of-communismand-100-million-dead-1510011810 David Satter. 11/6/17. 100 Years of Communism -- and 100 Million Dead
[xviii] https://newcriterion.com/blogs/dispatch/socialism-as-a-hate-crime-9746 James Piereson. Sept. 2001 Socialism as a Hate Crime
[xix] https://newcriterion.com/blogs/dispatch/socialism-as-a-hate-crime-9746 James Piereson. Sept. 2001 Socialism as a Hate Crime
[xx] https://newcriterion.com/blogs/dispatch/socialism-as-a-hate-crime-9746 James Piereson. Sept. 2001 Socialism as a Hate Crime
[xxi] https://newcriterion.com/blogs/dispatch/socialism-as-a-hate-crime-9746 James Piereson. Sept. 2001 Socialism as a Hate Crime
[xxii] https://newcriterion.com/blogs/dispatch/socialism-as-a-hate-crime-9746 James Piereson. Sept. 2001 Socialism as a Hate Crime
[xxiii] https://newcriterion.com/blogs/dispatch/socialism-as-a-hate-crime-9746 James Piereson. Sept. 2001 Socialism as a Hate Crime
[xxiv] https://newcriterion.com/blogs/dispatch/socialism-as-a-hate-crime-9746 James Piereson. Sept. 2001 Socialism as a Hate Crime
[xxv] https://newcriterion.com/blogs/dispatch/socialism-as-a-hate-crime-9746 James Piereson. Sept. 2001 Socialism as a Hate Crime
[xxvi] https://newcriterion.com/blogs/dispatch/socialism-as-a-hate-crime-9746 James Piereson. Sept. 2001 Socialism as a Hate Crime
[xxvii] https://www.hawaii.edu/powerkills/COM.ART.HTM R.J. Rummel HOW MANY DID Communist Regimes Murder?