Race War Marxism Invades Loyola Academy
A Marxist Principal at a Catholic School is Committed to a Marxist-Only Faculty. Whites Need Not Apply Under Critical Race Theory Marxism.
This is post three-of-six in a series explaining Critical Race Theory, defined here as Race War Marxism, and its replacement of the Catholic religion at Loyola Academy, a Jesuit high school in Wilmette, Illinois. Today’s post describes evidence of the use of Critical Race Theory at the school.
Parents who organized to fight Critical Race Theory at Loyola discovered a YouTube presentation given by Terri Jackson. She is assistant principal for student services at Loyola.[1]
Mrs. Jackson vows to force out of Loyola all teachers who fail to support Critical Race Theory, which is best summarized as Race War Marxism, and which goes by the name of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion when it is brought into schools and businesses.
“When it comes to the work in the classroom … (we are) not having a conversation (with the teacher where we say something) like: 'Is this the right place for you? Based on your participation (in Critical Race Theory), or lack thereof,’” said Mrs. Jackson. “But people (teachers) are starting to say (to themselves): 'Well, if this is who we are, is this the place for me?' The thinking that is not in connection with, or not in support of, DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) work, is, (it) will become marginalized.”[2]
Mrs. Jackson describes how Loyola should create a faculty of uniform ideology who support Critical Race Theory Marxism. She is proud of having a management system for building a one-party thought cult among teachers without having to fire teachers who fail to support Marxism.
“This is a serious conversation. This is not an initiative that is going away next year. This is the community. This is who we are. So that is where folks are moving is: Instead of me having to have a conversation with someone (a teacher), about not renewing a contract, they are starting to internalize: 'OK, so maybe this is not the right fit for me.'”[3]
Teachers at Loyola who fail to support Critical Race Theory Marxism will learn they are not welcome. Mrs. Jackson says she will force out dissenters without explicitly firing them. Her goal, and the school’s goal, is a Marxist monopoly among faculty and administrators.
Mrs. Jackson’s comments mirrored the thoughts of an eighth-grade teacher in Portland, Oregon. They sounded, in fact, like the same person, but the teacher in Portland spoke more freely about the necessity for supporting Race War Marxism and the need to purge dissenters.
The Portland teacher compared teachers who fail to adopt “antiracism,” a summary of Critical Race Theory, to sex offenders. The Portland teacher warns those who are slow to adapt: “If you’re going to keep with those old views of colonialism, it’s going to lead to being fired.”[4] "If you're not evolving into an anti-racist educator, you're making yourself obsolete."[5] "You're going to have to come to the light."[6]
If a teacher does not support Critical Race Theory Marxism, the teacher will be fired “because you will be doing damage to our children. … (just) as we fire the teachers who sexually abuse our children, we will be firing the teachers who do racist things to our children."[7]
In our new world, teachers have only one option on Critical Race Theory Marxism. "You either evolve or dissolve."[8]
Mrs. Jackson, the Loyola principal, said dissenting teachers who are forced out of the school for failing to embrace Race War Marxism, will rightly suffer this payback. Their loss of work is just revenge which minority students of the past would have wanted to inflict upon the conservative teachers had students been able to come forward at that time.
“It's past time for that to happen for our students (for teachers against Marxism to lose their jobs). Because for so long our students and our families have had to say: ‘Ok, I don't feel accepted. I don't feel like I belong. I am not celebrated here. I can't bring my authentic self. I need to find a new community.’ And that shouldn't be the case.”[9]
Teachers will be forced out of Loyola, in part, to make up for past harms minority students suffered. This is a fulfillment at Loyola Academy of Ibram X. Kendi’s requirement that past discrimination must be punished with present discrimination. Mr. Kendi is a leader in America of Critical Race Theory Marxism.
“The only remedy to racist discrimination is antiracist discrimination,” wrote Mr. Kendi, the author of How to Be an Antiracist. “The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.”[10]
Teachers who lose their job for opposing Critical Race Theory will suffer a just result for a past wrong. New teachers, who swear to support the Marxist line, will be hired to teach students in the new religion.
Mrs. Jackson worries that Loyola may be forced to hire white teachers. She prefers minority candidates. “How do we steer away from just hiring more white folks who are doing DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) work?”[11] she said.
“As I am hiring a dean of students, I will not look at the resumes until we have a diverse pool. We have not done our work if we don't have a diverse pool of candidates.”[12] A diverse pool appears to mean a pool which excludes white candidates.
“Are we hiring for diverse candidates or are we hiring for the best candidate?” Mrs. Jackson said. “The answer is 'yes' and 'yes'.”[13]
The plain interpretation of her words is that the best candidate can only be a non-white candidate. If you are hiring for “diverse candidates”, then you exclude white candidates. Mrs. Jackson says this is justified because minority students need to have “faculty members who look like them, who come from similar backgrounds and experiences.”[14] White students also benefit, she says. “It is connected to our mission,” she said. “It is what is best for our student population, our school community at large.”[15]
If Loyola is using affirmative action in hiring, it is fulfilling the plan of Critical Race Theory Marxism to fundamentally transform American society. Affirmative action in all fields is a first step required by Critical Race Theory Marxism. Higher taxes for increased redistribution of wealth is another step. Reparations is another goal. Marxist revolution to end capitalism is the final and true goal. These are the goals of the advocates of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
The story of Critical Race Theory at Loyola Academy hit the world’s biggest news sites at the end of March 2021. The Daily Mail[16] and Fox News[17] weighed in. A lot of attention centered on a few questions posed by a theology teacher, Peter Jansen. The questions sought to initiate students into adapting Critical Race Theory as their religion, but the purpose of the questions was hidden from the students.
Here are the questions:
Question one: "How do you benefit from white privilege, and how have you held onto that benefit (despite knowing the harm it does)?”[18]
Question two: “What have you learned about the ways you specifically wield this privilege that do harm (whether you intend to or not)? Dig deep. No sugar coating and no focusing on the good you have done with your privilege. Remember: this isn't about being self-congratulatory, it's about pulling out white supremacy.”[19]
Question three: “What have you learned about your white privilege that makes you uncomfortable?”[20]
Fox News said in its headline: “Chicagoland Prep School Loyola shames White Privilege in student assignment.”[21] The Daily Mail said: “Illinois prep school that costs $18k a year faces backlash for assignment asking students to describe how they've benefited from white privilege 'despite knowing its harm.'”[22]
A student who has led the fight opposing Critical Race Theory Marxism at Loyola described to me their objections to the questions:
“Students that are white are being taught that because they are white they are automatically privileged,” said the student, “contribute to the oppression of minorities and white supremacy, and are inherently racially biased. That is racism.”[23]
The student, who asked to remain anonymous, said the teacher and the school engaged in an anti-white racist practice when they categorized white students in a demeaning light by virtue of their skin color. The questions encourage what we now know to be the goal of Critical Race Theory Marxist schools: To shame white students into hatred of themselves, their parents, America, God and capitalism.
“The goals of CRT are to annihilate the souls of white people, to morally paralyze them via a protracted process of induced guilt, shame, embarrassment, and extortion,”[24] said Jason Hill, a philosophy professor at DePaul University in Chicago, who has been studying Critical Race Theory for 25 years.
Students are immersed into a “death agenda” which offers a “final solution” to white students: “Communism is the grand elixir,” said Professor Hill, “for all the maladies they and their ancestors inflicted upon a competitor race.”[25] The systemic racism of whites, say the Critical Race Theory Marxists, is the central failure of America. Marxist revolution is the cure.
A theme of Loyola’s new religion is found in the work of Jacqueline Battalora. She gave a lecture to the Boys Youth Group at Loyola on “the complexities of what it means to be white within a nation that imposed whiteness as a matter of founding law.” Dr. Battalora teaches that our system of law is how whites impose supremacy over minorities. She says whiteness is the greatest problem in American society.
Dr. Battalora’s “historical approach” in analyzing whiteness helps whites “to remove defensiveness” and encourages them “to be motivated for transformation,”[26] meaning they will be motivated to support Critical Race Theory Marxism.
Dr. Battalora “makes absolutely clear the impact that whiteness has had on all people living in the United States.”[27] The impact of whiteness has not been positive. The American system says whites are human beings and people of color are subhuman.
She describes this “fact” as the beginning of her intellectual life journey in Critical Race Theory Marxism. Her intellectual journey started when she reacted unequally to news broadcasts of white and black homicides.
“When I first had that realization of my lack of empathy (for black victims), I knew from that very first moment, I knew I was not born that way. I knew that something had been done to me.”[28]
Professor Battalora says she was indoctrinated into a prejudice which makes non-whites subhuman. She says all whites are indoctrinated into this hatred of minorities.
Since all whites share a lack of empathy for minorities, and this is a core belief, whiteness must be eradicated. Ending whiteness must now be our primary project. The only way the racist treatment of non-whites “will end is if we tackle whiteness at its core.”[29]
Dr. Battalora says the history of the United States is like a game of Monopoly. Whites, before ending slavery, and prior to the passage of civil rights laws, “get to go around the board, I don't know, 10 times before you (blacks) are allowed to play.”[30]
“Whose going to win that game?” asked Dr. Battalora. “I am, of course. Because when I went around that board 10 times when you were held back, guess what I did? ... I established every institution of this nation, from lending to housing to education to Hollywood, you name it, law and law enforcement, I established white people .... set up these institutions for people who looked like me by people who looked like me for the advantage of people who are racially like me.”[31]
“Just because you (blacks) finally got to start playing the game in no way made us equal. Until I repair you for the inequality that exclusion created, that inequality will only persist. And that's exactly what we are seeing in the present moment. ... The inequality that prohibitive laws created persists. ... Whiteness matters”[32] and is the decisive factor in the continuation of a world where there is rich and poor, where there is financial inequality, where there are differences of wealth between blacks and whites.
The gist of Dr. Battalora’s message is that whites are sociopathic toward minorities and only reparations can cure America of the white supremacy guaranteed by our laws and justice system.
The influence of radical left commitments is not difficult to find at Loyola Academy. One test given to students said there are 72 different genders. Another teacher gave an assignment which asked participants to rate the warmth and competence of members of roughly 30 different groups.
The groups included Feminists, Jews, African Americans, Businesswomen, Elderly, Lesbians, Disabled Persons, Drug Addicts, and Christians. Rating all of these different groups is an exercise in Critical Identity Theory, where the division of students into race groups explodes outward into dozens of oppressed groups.
In another assignment, a teacher described the January 6th protest of the 2020 election as “an act of white supremacy and white nationalism.”[33] The teacher argued that the white students at Loyola share the same thoughts and inclinations as the protestors. "We can't separate ourselves from the people who do these things,” the teacher wrote. “We're a product of the same 'water' as them."[34]
The teacher wants students to see the protestors as white supremacists, and to see themselves as the same as the protestors. This encourages students to be ashamed of themselves because of their race, which is the first phase of indoctrination into Critical Race Theory Marxism.
The teacher said the January 6th protest was a “domestic terrorist attack”[35] and could not be compared in any way with the Black Lives Matter protests.
Conservatives see the January 6th protest as a protest of election fraud with a small group of several hundred who engaged in a criminal riot. They see the Black Lives Matter protests as far more consequential in terms of property damage, violence, and mob crime.
Black Lives Matter and Antifa did $1 to $2 billion of insured damage in just the first two weeks after George Floyd’s death, making them the most expensive riots in history.[36] Trump protestors did about $1.5 million of damage at the Capitol. It is impossible to argue that a group which did $1.5 million of damage in one protest are domestic terrorists and that a group which organized over 650 criminal protests[37] causing billions of dollars of damage are not domestic terrorists, but that is the argument of a Loyola teacher and the Marxist left.
Antifa and BLM protestors assaulted more than 2,000 police officers. Even when looters were given a free pass to steal without consequence in the summer 2020 riots, police still made over 16,000 arrests.
Yet a teacher at Loyola Academy argues all whites are domestic terrorists and white supremacists because of the actions of a few hundred protestors in one event.
“When a teacher/person of authority is teaching their opinion as a fact, it is very hard for students who may not be super aware of what is happening in the country or government to decipher what is fact vs what is a viewpoint/opinion,” said a Loyola student who opposed Critical Race Theory. “Many, if not all, high school students are beginning to form their values and their opinions on different issues in politics and the social world. It is insanely manipulative for a person of authority to act as though their opinion is the truth to a bunch of kids trying to figure out their own independent thoughts on important issues.”[38]
A Loyola parent who is a police officer recalled in a letter to Father McGrath listening in to a Zoom call. It was on the subject of a school club, probably a request for a Turning Point USA chapter.
“The issue as to whether the club was or was not allowed wasn't of as much importance to me as what I kept hearing kid after kid saying in the meeting,” the parent wrote. “They didn't feel comfortable in their own school. They couldn't express their thoughts in their own school. They couldn't ask questions or have discussions in their own school. Whether you agree with the club or not, you cannot ignore that there are tons of kids who are NOT comfortable at their OWN school!"'[39]
The graphic design syllabus at Loyola Academy describes how white Americans stole the land where the school is located. White students are asked in graphic design class to confess to responsibility for events which are hundreds of years old.
"I want to acknowledge that the (class) space certainly occupies stolen land from our indigenous brothers and sisters of the Potawatomi Tribe who stewarded this land for generations,” the syllabus says. “Indigenous people are still with us. Anywhere we go in Illinois is a reminder of colonization and occupation of first nation people."[40]
Here again we see the school indoctrinating students into Critical Race Theory Marxism by encouraging hatred for the history of their race and their country.
Colleen Aufderheide, who is the Fine Arts Director at Loyola, said of her art classes:
"The goal is to ensure equity, diversity and inclusion happen in our curriculum, classes, and programs. This essential process will take time and the Fine Arts Department commits to the hard work ahead.”[41]
The magic of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, which is the public face of Critical Race Theory Marxism in schools, businesses and government, will allow the students to obtain “self-discovery and achieve their creative expressive potential.”[42] Beauty and truth were once the high goals of art. Now white shame is the primary lesson plan for art class.
A Catholic art teacher, or an art teacher who loves the Western tradition, would be committed to “the hard work ahead” of studying 20 centuries of artistic works of great genius depicting God and the saints he inspired.
David Stovall, a professor of black studies at the University of Illinois Chicago, and a lecturer to the Boys Youth Group at Loyola Academy, taught students that America is “operating under three pandemics. So it's not just COVID. But we are also talking about the pandemic of white supremacy. And the pandemic of capitalism.”[43]
Critical Race Theory Marxism requires us to end the pandemics of white supremacy and capitalism. Whiteness is the great evil in America. Whiteness at “its foundations is genocide, slavery, and wrongful land appropriation. … Now that's not Stovall's conjecture,” said Professor Stovall. “That's the fact.”[44]
The whiteness of America requires that “we reverse this thing”[45] with Marxist revolution.
Two parent groups initiated calls for reform against the intolerance of alternative viewpoints at Loyola.
“Parents and alumni started hearing, many for the first time, that students at Loyola were being silenced, marginalized, and in some cases bullied for their beliefs,”[46] said the KidsWinLoyola site.
A June 2021 email to Concerned Parents and Alumni said there is a "crisis occurring at the school over their adoption of a singular, secular identity ideology called Critical Race Theory into their curriculum. This divisive approach to confronting racism divides students, once united by their love of Loyola, by skin color, gender, and race."[47]
The KidsWinLoyola group said: “We believe Loyola Academy’s recent aggressive adoption of an intolerant Identity Curriculum has created a growing crisis in the school. The presentation, method and tone of this curriculum, to the exclusion of any other alternative approaches, conflicts with the Jesuit tradition of rigorous open inquiry and discernment.”[48]
The big issues of our day "can be tackled in a constructive manner at Loyola, by encouraging balanced debate, not by pitting one student against another, one group against another and certainly not by employing a curriculum that shames students."[49]
Concerned Parents & Alumni leaders conducted surveys of parents and received back an avalanche of reports of fear, exclusion, bullying, and intolerance. The parents say dissent, the lifeblood of academic excellence, is unwelcome at Loyola.
"My child and I don't speak up because we are afraid of how it will affect us at Loyola and in the community."[50] "The cyber/social media bullying of kids with alternative (conservative) viewpoints is out of control.”[51] "We stopped complaining so we could just get through this year and get out of here."[52]
Students are learning to think only what they are told to think. They are learning that school is where you obey commands. School is not a place to ask questions or learn to make arguments supported by facts.
My kids "just say what they know they are supposed to say so they won't get a bad grade."[53] "My kids are learning to keep quiet and to conform."[54]
Parents objecting to Race War Marxism have been pushed aside and demeaned. If they complain about intolerance, they are called disgruntled loners. They have fringe ideas which are confined to a tiny minority.
“These concerns have been silenced, ridiculed, and are being treated with hostility by the Administration,”[55] said the KidsWinLoyola website.
One parent who argued students should be back in school full time was told: "You are welcome to send your kids to other schools."[56]
Other parents are ignored: “A complaint was made but no response or explanation or satisfactory resolution was provided."[57]
Other parents are doing as the administration has suggested. They are taking their children to a different school.
"Why should I pay for this indoctrination when I can get it for free (from the public schools),"[58] said one parent.
There are competing petitions at Loyola for the opposing sides in the Race War Marxism fight. An Instagram account lists nearly one thousand complaints about racism and sexism at Loyola.[59] Another Instagram account advocates for a Turning Point USA chapter which Loyola denied.[60]
A petition on change.org lists suggested reforms to combat racism.[61] Another petition supports Peter Jansen, whose questionnaire in his ethics class headlined the stories at Fox, the Daily Mail, and the Daily Caller.[62]
More than 30 students signed a petition in support of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and described the parents and alumni fighting viewpoint intolerance as racists.[63] The board was asked to condemn the racism charge and said nothing.
“People did not feel the school was ripped apart by racism, but now they do. It is heartbreaking,”[64] said one parent, quoted anonymously in a story on Loyola at the National Catholic Register. “There are a handful of people who are driving this and not allowing moderating voices. This doesn’t represent the community or many of the teachers, or the coaches. This is not a racist institution. Our families have always stepped in and stepped up to make sure everyone feels included and is looked after.”
A KidsWinLoyola letter described the school’s atmosphere as an “ongoing battle of petition against petition, neighbor against neighbor, student against student."[65] A major donor said his family will make no new contributions to Loyola.[66] He asked that a plaque commemorating his family’s generosity be removed.
"They (teachers) explicitly discourage discussion, debate and criticism of their precepts, resulting in the silencing of those who express differing or critical viewpoints,”[67] said an April 2021 letter from Concerned Parents and Alumni. “The anti-intellectual and intolerant nature of these ideologies is wholly antithetical to the unique Jesuit emphasis on education through discernment."
The Boys Youth Group at Loyola invites speakers who describe all whites as sociopathic, who describe whiteness as the primary problem in American society, who describe America as suffering under the pandemics of white supremacy and capitalism. Conservative policy advocates are unknown at Loyola. Loyola Academy denied a request from students to form a Turning Point USA chapter. The group is dedicated to the freedom of all persons. Melissa Krein, the student activities director, declined the request, saying Turning Point is racist and antisemitic.
The Chicago police officer quoted earlier said their child could not complete his classwork at Loyola because his teacher did not respect the student’s viewpoint. “My child will not participate in the class because my child is not comfortable, cannot comment, because this teacher is not open to what others may feel or think.”[68]
A conservative student leader understands the problem clearly. “I do not agree with teachers only presenting one viewpoint to their students and treating the other viewpoint as wrong, or even racist.”[69]
George Kemper, an alumni, was invited to coach baseball at Loyola. The offer was rescinded based on his social media posts. He had questioned the Governor of Illinois on his Covid policies.
“I am saddened that I will not be able to coach this year at Loyola,” said Mr. Kemper, “but am saddened even more that Loyola seems to discourage opinions that question the status quo.
“Someone at Loyola saw my social media posts. Officials at Loyola contacted me and rescinded the offer to coach baseball. The explanation was that the political opinions I voiced did not reflect well on Loyola Academy. How could that be?
“I stood up for what I believe is right. How could that not reflect well on Loyola? Is that not precisely what Loyola told me, again and again, to do?”[70]
The Loyola parent who is a Chicago police officer described to Father McGrath what it was like to work during Black Lives Matter protests.
"At the height of the protests and riots, where we (were) working 14-hour days with no days off, (and) having shit, and urine and frozen bottles thrown at us. People (were) spitting in our faces, telling us they were going to RAPE our children when they attacked our houses, reading our names and addresses over microphones. EVERY Day and Night for months.
"My child would then attend class virtually to be told he should pray for the (Black Lives Matter) criminals who made the newest headlines for committing crimes, or not abiding by the law. … I do have a problem with an organization (Black Lives Matter) … (where) I encountered horrible behavior for months …. (and it) is allowed big displays promoting them (at Loyola), yet other organizations are not allowed."[71]
The school, especially the “theology” teachers, embraced Black Lives Matter last school year (2020-21). “There was a giant BLM poster that hung in our main hallway,” said a conservative student. “Almost every theology class also had BLM signs in their classrooms."[72]
The love of Black Lives Matter, an openly Marxist group, among the “theology” teachers at Loyola suggests Critical Race Theory Marxism is the new religion at Loyola. A Loyola teacher describing the January 6th protest as “an act of white supremacy and white nationalism” suggests Critical Race Theory Marxism is Loyola’s new religion.
When the teacher encourages the students to think of themselves as domestic terrorists like the January 6th rioters, it suggests Critical Race Theory Marxism is the new religion at Loyola. When the teacher says all whites are domestic terrorists because of one criminal riot by a few hundred protestors, and Black Lives Matter members cannot in any way be considered domestic terrorists, when Black Lives Matter enacted over 650 criminal riots,[73] it suggests Critical Race Theory Marxism is the new religion at Loyola.
The demonization of white students based upon their race by the teacher Peter Jansen, whose questions encouraged white self-hatred; whose questions programmed students to believe they use white supremacy to secure unique privileges, suggests Critical Race Theory Marxism is the new religion at Loyola. When the graphic design syllabus encourages white students to take personal responsibility for land wars against Native Americans, later making possible the purchase of the school campus, it suggests Critical Race Theory Marxism is the new religion at Loyola.
When Loyola brings to its school, and sponsors the work of, hard-left Marxists, like Jacqueline Battalora, David Stovall, and Robin DiAngelo, and blocks conservative students from forming a Turning Point chapter, calling Turning Point racist, it suggests Critical Race Theory Marxism is the new religion at Loyola. When George Kemper is disinvited from coaching baseball for his conservative views on the pandemic, it suggests Critical Race Theory Marxism is the new religion at Loyola.
When Jacqueline Battalora teaches that an end to whiteness must be the first priority of American society, it suggests Critical Race Theory Marxism is Loyola’s new religion. When Professor Battalora teaches that all whites are sociopathic, then Critical Race Theory Marxism is probably the new religion at Loyola. When David Stovall teaches that capitalism and white supremacy are pandemic conditions in America, and must be overturned and eradicated, like a viral disease, it suggests that Critical Race Theory Marxism is the new religion at Loyola.
Principal Terri Jackson’s promise to force out of the school any teacher who objects to Race War Marxism suggests Critical Race Theory Marxism is the new religion at Loyola. Principal Jackson’s promise to hire only teachers who believe in Race War Marxism suggests Critical Race Theory Marxism is Loyola’s new religion. Principal Jackson’s commitment to hire only people of color suggests Critical Race Theory Marxism is the new religion at Loyola.
Taken individually, any of these facts would be cause for alarm. Your understanding of the nature of the changes at Loyola Academy will be truer if you estimate that for every one instance documented here of Critical Race Theory Marxism, there are a hundred examples which are not captured on video or put down in writing. The case is convincing, from what we have already shown, that Critical Race Theory Marxism has replaced Catholicism as the religion guiding Loyola Academy.
Don’t be fooled by the nature of Critical Race Theory. It is Marxism, pure and simple, with fun-house mirrors hiding its ugly nature. When you see Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, replace that euphemism with Race War Marxism, and you will understand what you are seeing. Since the hard left has controlled the schools for so long, when you went to school you may never have learned the obvious: Marxism is the greatest evil invention and the most dangerous religion which man has yet devised. One Loyola graduate, who is my contemporary, and who I spoke to for this story, described Karl Marx to me as an economist. He had no reservations about Marx’s work. This is like describing Charles Manson’s followers as surgeons.
The truth, still something of a secret in the public at large, is that Marxism is a hate crime, a murder machine, a bankrupter of countries, and a destroyer of civilizations. If we recount the history of the 20th Century, the Marxists make the Nazis awkward beginners in the business of taking innocent human life. To properly judge the changes at Loyola Academy, you should consider it as something worse than a formerly Catholic institution now converting to a Nazi school whose leaders are quietly dedicated to the murder of Jews and the subjugation of all non-Germans.
Critical Race Theory is Marxism devoted to a race war. Critical Race Theory Marxism is Race War Marxism. Critical Race Theory Marxism is committed to raising a revolutionary class of students dedicated to the destruction of capitalism and the constitution. Critical Race Theory Marxism is Race War Marxism dedicated to the destruction of the family and the murder of God. Critical Race Theory Marxism is devoted to the separation of parent and child.
If you understand Marxism, you understand everything beautiful in life must be destroyed, especially the love between a parent and a child. We must now give all of our heart and soul and mind to the state and our future dear leader under Critical Race Theory Marxism. Everything else goes into the fire, including God and family.
Peter Jansen’s questions to his students invited his students into this life of destruction. Father McGrath, the school president, said the questions would no longer be used, but soon Mr. Jansen and his fellow-traveler “theology” teachers, who are likely all hard-left Marxists, will return his questions to their classrooms at Loyola.
They will repeat, over and over, the questions about how students benefit from white privilege based on the systemic racism of white supremacy engineered to control every aspect of life in America -- a good summary of the primary hypothesis / conclusion of Critical Race Theory Marxism. The sermon on white privilege will be the daily catechism for Loyola students and their only way of seeing the world by the time they graduate. The “theology” teachers will build a Marxist army at Loyola Academy from lost children who will learn to hate their country and despise their white supremacist parents.
We should all expect within five years that Marxist indoctrination will be the primary educational goal at Loyola Academy.
The Race War Marxists, who now control Loyola Academy, have nothing to fear. The current opposition to Critical Race Theory Marxism at Loyola, through the work of Concerned Parents and Alumni and KidsWinLoyola, is docile, polite and harmless. Only a fierce warrior leader of great intelligence and courage, who is selfless and principled, with great ambitions for reform, who devotes many years to the cause, could change the fate of Loyola Academy. He doesn’t exist.
Critical Gender Theory, a subset of Critical Race Theory Marxism, is just getting started at Loyola.
The Student Activities Director, for example, asked in an email to students: "What gender do you identify with? (Male, Female, Non-binary, Prefer not to say).”[74]
The question suggests Loyola will abolish the Catholic teaching that humans are men or women. Biology teaches that we are either men or women. Religion and science agree on the obvious.
Critical Race Theory Marxism requires “freeing the body from the constraints of inherited and imposed normativities.”[75] Everything we believe, including that we are a species of males and females, must be subverted and destroyed. Only chaos will give us what is necessary: Angry adherents who demand revolution.
In surveys given at the beginning of this school year (2021-22), Loyola gave students the option to list their pronouns, as if they could be something different from “he” and “she.”
You may have heard that some persons use novel pronouns. If you fail to use the new pronouns as requested and “someone is referred to with the wrong pronoun, it can make them feel disrespected, invalidated, dismissed, alienated, or dysphoric.”[76]
The gender obsession is intended to create lost angry children who separate from their parents and seek a new home inside Race War Marxism. It is easy to imagine a large band of angry young revolutionaries bound together by hatred of life after having their bodies destroyed in grotesque chemical experiments and bodily mutilations, and after discovering the empty play acting regarding their fictitious sexual personality gives them nothing to manage the difficulties of life or to pursue life’s meaning.
To an outside observer, the novel gender definitions children are encouraged to adopt cannot make sense. What you must comprehend is that the exotic sexual personas allow white children to escape the shameful history of the white race. The white children, when they adopt an oppressed sexual minority persona, make themselves superior under Critical Race Theory Marxism.[77]
Will these transformations make them strong and independent and put them on the right path toward attaining the meaning of life?
The die is cast for Loyola Academy. Evil has already taken the school. Loyola Academy is just one of thousands of American schools, governments and businesses which Race War Marxism has cannibalized and strangled.
Today we worship a false idol at Loyola Academy. The hard proof of the deadly nature of our idol will come years from now. A lost child enrolled at Loyola will mutilate their body, in a desperate hope of finding meaning through an experiment with their sexual identity.
The child will discover, after chemical experiments on their body and literal amputations, that their teachers’ ideas about race and sex are a lie. The child will discover that their life and body are a very minor plot device that have been used to advance the Critical Race Theory Marxist program. The student, after suffering horrible psychological and physical torture, will seek revenge. Maybe against classmates, teachers, or parents? More likely, the child will simply kill him- or herself. Death will be their revenge.
Who will blame the child, after they have been encouraged to disfigure themselves? Who will blame the child after they have transformed their body into a nightmare? The students at Loyola who aspire to a higher status will have a new fad to follow.
The takeover at Loyola Academy by Critical Race Theory Marxism will be confirmed in blood. All of the board members who have served under Father McGrath, who is the leader of Critical Race Theory Marxism at Loyola, should sign that child’s death certificate.
When Critical Race Theory Marxism first surfaced publicly at Loyola, Father McGrath said: "Let me be clear: We have never -- and will never -- ask students to apologize for their race.” It was a vicious lie, made believable because Critical Race Theory Marxism was not yet widely known or understood, and because Father McGrath, taking full advantage of the protection of his popularity, said with complete confidence the opposite of what was true.
A year later, we now understand that encouraging the sense in a white child that they should hate their race and that they should be desperate to apologize for their whiteness is the gateway initiation into Critical Race Theory Marxism. Peter Jansen pursued this initiation by presenting his students with questions on white privilege.
Although the school is not answering any of my questions, I am confident that Father McGrath would also say that Loyola will never encourage students to escape their white privilege by adapting a bizarre fictitious sexual identity. When a student does follow that path, the child will be transformed from a privileged white oppressor to a victimized and oppressed sexual deviant.
The oppressed deviant persona will give the child a holy status in the insane world of Critical Race Theory Marxism. What you want, if you want to be important, is to be oppressed. You are important if you are black or transexual or have a mental illness or a physical disability. You are far better if you have all of these oppressions.
A young woman (not a Loyola student) explained why she transitioned from female to male in high school.
“It’s understandable that any young person exposed to this kind of belief system would grow to deeply resent being white, “cis”, straight, or (biologically) male. The beauty of gender ideology is it provides a way to game this system, so that you can get some of those targets off your back and enjoy the camaraderie of like-minded youths. You can’t change your race … but you can absolutely change your gender, and it’s as easy as putting a “she/they” in your bio. Instantly you are transformed from an oppressing, entitled, evil, bigoted, selfish, disgusting cishet white scum into a valid trans person who deserves celebration and special coddling to make up for the marginalization and oppression you supposedly now face.” [78]
Now you understand, almost certainly for the first time, the obsession with sexual identity among high school and college students. It is impossible to believe, and it would not be true in a sane world, but a student’s adoption of a unique sexual identity is a form of apology for their whiteness and is an escape from white privilege to holy oppression and high-status victimhood. No other evidence is needed to prove our mass group psychosis.
If Loyola Academy was a Catholic school, students would be taught to defeat and overcome their weaknesses, and to use their own suffering to deepen their understanding and care for others who are suffering. Catholic students will never be taught to glorify themselves by idolizing their weaknesses, but that message will soon be the primary theme in the lesson plan at Loyola Academy.
The price a “transexual” child pays for their holy status is a broken body and mind. What a horrible price we will all pay for indoctrinating our children into the unspeakable Critical Race Theory Marxism religion. To begin with, we abandon and condemn our children. Their fury, after suffering our malicious criminal abuse, will echo out into the ages.
God has said he would never again use a flood to destroy a fallen people. We should all expect, in our case, he must go back on his word. He must put an end to our extraordinary cowardice. He must cancel our unyielding ignorance. He must raze, without mercy, our hideous betrayal of life.
This is post three of six in a series explaining Critical Race Theory, defined here as Race War Marxism, and its replacement of the Catholic religion at Loyola Academy, a Jesuit high school in Wilmette, Illinois. Michael David White, the author, Class of 1980, is one of five boys who graduated from Loyola. Other family graduates include two uncles and a grand uncle, who, after joining the Jesuits, taught moral theology at Loyola University in Chicago.
The author’s work has appeared on or been cited by Bloomberg, Business Insider, CNBC, Huffington Post, Real Clear Energy, Real Clear Markets, Reuters and Yahoo. He is the editor of The Right Track Magazine, devoted to history and political philosophy, where his analysis of Climate Change received wide praise on the leading site devoted to the issue. He edited HousingStory.net, from 2008 to 2012, analyzing real estate trends, which first gained a wider audience when, on April Fool’s Day of 2008, the author predicted the financial crisis. The author’s work has had over one million views.
Post #1 in the series described broad assumptions of Critical Race Theory and the efforts of the Jesuit president to cover up its use at Loyola (What I ask of you, Fr. McGrath). Post #2 provides a deep summary of Critical Race Theory (Critical Race Theory is Race War Marxism). Today’s post describes evidence of the use of Critical Race Theory at Loyola Academy. The next post will describe the horrors of the Marxist religion. A total of six chapters are planned for the series.
Contact the author: michael@michaeldavidwhite.com
[1] www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_5UV_lm-F4 Terri Jackson. Assistant Principal for Student Services. Loyola Academy. Video presented by Ignatian Solidarity Network video. 3/12/21. Q&A on Mission-Driven Hiring for Equity, Diversity, and Cultural Competence.
[2] www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_5UV_lm-F4 See clip at 46:00-minute mark. Terri Jackson. Assistant Principal for Student Services. Loyola Academy. Video presented by Ignatian Solidarity Network video. 3/12/21. Q&A on Mission-Driven Hiring for Equity, Diversity, and Cultural Competence.
[3] www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_5UV_lm-F4 See clip at 46:00 minute mark. Terri Jackson. Assistant Principal for Student Services. Loyola Academy. Video presented by Ignatian Solidarity Network video. 3/12/21. Q&A on Mission-Driven Hiring for Equity, Diversity, and Cultural Competence.
[4] twitter.com/MythinformedMKE/status/1397977839828361220 Kathryn Watkins, 8th Grade Humanities Teacher, Cedar Park Middle School.
[5] twitter.com/MythinformedMKE/status/1397977839828361220 Kathryn Watkins, 8th Grade Humanities Teacher, Cedar Park Middle School.
[6] twitter.com/MythinformedMKE/status/1397977839828361220 Kathryn Watkins, 8th Grade Humanities Teacher, Cedar Park Middle School.
[7] twitter.com/MythinformedMKE/status/1397977839828361220 Kathryn Watkins, 8th Grade Humanities Teacher, Cedar Park Middle School.
[8] twitter.com/MythinformedMKE/status/1397977839828361220 Kathryn Watkins, 8th Grade Humanities Teacher, Cedar Park Middle School.
[9] www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_5UV_lm-F4 See the 47:00-minute mark. Terri Jackson. Assistant Principal for Student Services. Loyola Academy. Video presented by Ignatian Solidarity Network video. 3/12/21. Q&A on Mission-Driven Hiring for Equity, Diversity, and Cultural Competence.
[10] lawliberty.org/the-duty-to-monitor-diversity-training/ Stefan J. Padfield. 10/19/20. The Duty to Monitor Diversity Training
[11] www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_5UV_lm-F4 See the 33:50-minute mark. Terri Jackson. Assistant Principal for Student Services. Loyola Academy. Video presented by Ignatian Solidarity Network video. 3/12/21. Q&A on Mission-Driven Hiring for Equity, Diversity, and Cultural Competence.
[12] www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_5UV_lm-F4 See the 14:36-minute mark. Terri Jackson. Assistant Principal for Student Services. Loyola Academy. Video presented by Ignatian Solidarity Network video. 3/12/21. Q&A on Mission-Driven Hiring for Equity, Diversity, and Cultural Competence.
[13] www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_5UV_lm-F4 See the 31:23-minute mark. Terri Jackson. Assistant Principal for Student Services. Loyola Academy. Video presented by Ignatian Solidarity Network video. 3/12/21. Q&A on Mission-Driven Hiring for Equity, Diversity, and Cultural Competence.
[14] www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_5UV_lm-F4 See the 31:23-minute mark. Terri Jackson. Assistant Principal for Student Services. Loyola Academy. Video presented by Ignatian Solidarity Network video. 3/12/21. Q&A on Mission-Driven Hiring for Equity, Diversity, and Cultural Competence.
[15] www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_5UV_lm-F4 See the 32:42-minute mark. Terri Jackson. Assistant Principal for Student Services. Loyola Academy. Video presented by Ignatian Solidarity Network video. 3/12/21. Q&A on Mission-Driven Hiring for Equity, Diversity, and Cultural Competence.
[16] www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9419717/Illinois-prep-school-faces-backlash-white-privilege-assignment.html Emily Crane. 3/30/21. Illinois prep school that costs $18k a year faces backlash for assignment asking students to describe how they've benefited from white privilege 'despite knowing its harm'
[17] www.foxnews.com/us/loyola-academy-chicago-white-privilege-race Jonathan Garber. 3/30/21. Chicagoland prep school Loyola shames White privilege in student assignment
[18] www.foxnews.com/us/loyola-academy-chicago-white-privilege-race Jonathan Garber. 3/30/21. Chicagoland prep school Loyola shames White privilege in student assignment
[19] www.foxnews.com/us/loyola-academy-chicago-white-privilege-race Jonathan Garber. 3/30/21. Chicagoland prep school Loyola shames White privilege in student assignment
[20] www.foxnews.com/us/loyola-academy-chicago-white-privilege-race Jonathan Garber. 3/30/21. Chicagoland prep school Loyola shames White privilege in student assignment
[21] www.foxnews.com/us/loyola-academy-chicago-white-privilege-race Jonathan Garber. 3/30/21. Chicagoland prep school Loyola shames White privilege in student assignment
[22] www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9419717/Illinois-prep-school-faces-backlash-white-privilege-assignment.html Emily Crane. 3/30/21. Illinois prep school that costs $18k a year faces backlash for assignment
[23] Interview with the author. 7/26/21.
[24] thefederalist.com/2021/08/13/critical-race-theory-aims-to-murder-the-souls-of-white-children/ Jason Hill. 8/13/21. Critical Race Theory Aims To Murder The Souls Of White Children.
[25] thefederalist.com/2021/08/13/critical-race-theory-aims-to-murder-the-souls-of-white-children/ Jason Hill. 8/13/21. Critical Race Theory Aims To Murder The Souls Of White Children.
[26] Diversity Dialogues at Loyola Academy. Your Life Matters. Poster. Jacqueline Battalora Your Life Matters
[27] Diversity Dialogues at Loyola Academy. Your Life Matters. Poster. Jacqueline Battalora Your Life Matters
[28] https://goramblers.myschoolapp.com/app/detail/video/6974107 See 12:00 minute mark. Jacqueline Battalora. 10/14/20. Your Life Matters
[29] goramblers.myschoolapp.com/app/detail/video/6974107 Jacqueline Battalora. 10/14/20. Your Life Matters
[30] goramblers.myschoolapp.com/app/detail/video/6974107 Jacqueline Battalora. 10/14/20. Your Life Matters
[31] goramblers.myschoolapp.com/app/detail/video/6974107 See 25:50 mark. Jacqueline Battalora. 10/14/20. Your Life Matters
[32] goramblers.myschoolapp.com/app/detail/video/6974107 See 25:50 mark. Jacqueline Battalora. 10/14/20. Your Life Matters
[33] Loyola Academy class handout.
[34] Loyola Academy class handout.
[35] Loyola Academy class handout.
[36] www.realclearinvestigations.com/articles/2021/09/09/realclearinvestigations_jan_6-blm_comparison_database_791370.html RealClearInvestigations' Jan. 6-BLM Riots Comparison
[37] acleddata.com/2021/05/25/a-year-of-racial-justice-protests-key-trends-in-demonstrations-supporting-the-blm-movement/ The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project A YEAR OF RACIAL JUSTICE PROTESTS: KEY TRENDS IN DEMONSTRATIONS SUPPORTING THE BLM MOVEMENT
[38] Written interview with the author. 7/26/21.
[39] Letter to Father McGrath from a parent and police officer. No date. The police officer, while covering BLM riots, had human excrement, urine and frozen water bottles thrown at him or her. The BLM protestors announced the officer’s home address over public speakers at protests and promised to go to the officer’s home and rape the officer’s children.
[40] Concerned Parents and Alumni. Letter to the Board of Trustees. Page 8. 4/8/21.
[41] laprep.net/2834/news/blm-and-la/ Lily Scott. 3/26/21. The Prep. Student News Site. BLM & LA
[42] laprep.net/2834/news/blm-and-la/ Lily Scott. 3/26/21. The Prep. Student News Site. BLM & LA
[43] goramblers.myschoolapp.com/app/detail/video/6974107 See 28:27-minute mark. David Stovall. 10/14/20. Your Life Matters
[44] goramblers.myschoolapp.com/app/detail/video/6974107 David Stovall. 10/14/20. Your Life Matters
[45] goramblers.myschoolapp.com/app/detail/video/6974107 David Stovall. 10/14/20. Your Life Matters
[46] kidswinloyola.com/the-crisis-hurting-our-kids/ See March 2021 section.
[47] Email from Concerned Parents and Alumni of Loyola. 6/27/21. Subject: Follow-up to the Concerned Parents & Alumni of Loyola gathering on Thursday June 24th. First paragraph.
[48] kidswinloyola.com/ First paragraph of “Why We Came Together”
[49] kidswinloyola.com/ KidsWinLoyola letter to board. 4/30/21.Paragraph 5.
[50] Concerned Parents & Alumni. Letter to the board. 4/8/21.
[51] Concerned Parents & Alumni. Letter to the board. 4/8/21.
[52] Concerned Parents & Alumni. Letter to the board. 4/8/21.
[53] Concerned Parents & Alumni. Letter to the board. 4/8/21.
[54] Concerned Parents & Alumni. Letter to the board. 4/8/21.
[55] kidswinloyola.com/the-crisis-hurting-our-kids/ First paragraph. "Timeline of a Crisis".
[56] Concerned Parents & Alumni. Letter to the board. 4/8/21.
[57] Concerned Parents & Alumni. Letter to the board. 4/8/21.
[58] Concerned Parents & Alumni. Letter to the board. 4/8/21.
[59] www.instagram.com/truecolorsofloyolaacademy/
[60] www.instagram.com/p/CJAbbPNAnic/?hl=en
[61] www.change.org/p/the-loyola-academy-administration-justice-at-loyola-academy
[62] www.change.org/p/mr-jansen-a-letter-in-support-of-mr-jansen-and-the-loyola-academy-theology-department
[63] KidsWinLoyola. Letter to the board. 4/30/21.Paragraph 3.
[64] www.ncregister.com/blog/woke-catholic-schools Noelle Mering. 5/19/21. Woke' Catholic Schools Offer Poison in Place of the Gospel
[65] KidsWinLoyola. Letter to the board. 4/30/21.Paragraph 7.
[66] Letter to board chair. Undated copy. Purporting to represent McNamara Purcell Foundation gift plaque.
[67] Concerned Parents & Alumni. Letter to the board. 4/8/21.
[68] Letter to Father McGrath from a parent and police officer. No date.
[69] Written interview with the author. 7/26/21.
[70] redstate.com/diary/heartlandinstitute/2021/03/03/baseball-coach-struck-out-by-cancel-culture-n336739 George Kemper. 3/3/21. Baseball Coach Struck Out by 'Cancel Culture'. RedState.
[71] Letter to Father McGrath from a parent and police officer. No date.
[72] Written interview with the author. 7/26/21.
[73] acleddata.com/2021/05/25/a-year-of-racial-justice-protests-key-trends-in-demonstrations-supporting-the-blm-movement/ The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project. A YEAR OF RACIAL JUSTICE PROTESTS: KEY TRENDS IN DEMONSTRATIONS SUPPORTING THE BLM MOVEMENT “more than 11,000 demonstrations associated with the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement have been reported in nearly 3,000 distinct locations all around the country (for the year 2020). … with 6% involving reports of violence, clashes with police, vandalism, looting, or other destructive activity.” Six percent of 11,000 is 660 criminal demonstrations.
[74] Concerned Parents and Alumni. Letter to the Board of Trustees. Page 9. 4/8/21.
[75] https://www.theamericanconservative.com/dreher/the-coming-race-crack-up-critical-race-theory/ Rod Dreher. 6/21/21. Quoting Robin D.G. Kelley. History professor. UCLA. Coming Race Crack-Up?
[76] uwm.edu/lgbtrc/support/gender-pronouns/ Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Plus (LGBTQ+) Resource Center. University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. Gender Pronouns
[77] newdiscourses.com/2021/12/groomer-schools-3-the-creation-of-an-american-red-guard/ James Lindsay. 12/27/21. Groomer Schools 3: The Creation of an American Red Guard
[78} lacroicsz.substack.com/p/by-any-other-name? By Any Other Name. 2/19/22. Helena Kerschner. Substack.