Ban the use of Critical Race Theory in teaching. Cancel the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiative. Cancel the "Confronting Racism" initiative. Fire all administrators hired for DEI. Racism is not a serious problem at Loyola Academy, but a fictitious pretext for imposing Critical Race Theory. Critical Race Theory is Race War Marxism, and Race War Marxism is a very real crisis at Loyola. If racism was the problem at Loyola, the last thing you would want to introduce is Critical Race Theory, to set students against each other based on their race. The board must immediately change course 180 degrees. We must dedicate Loyola to colorblind and genderblind admissions and hiring. We must ban all affirmative action except to achieve viewpoint diversity. We must teach students a colorblind philosophy on race. Make the teachings of Martin Luther King, and the victories of the civil rights movement, the guide for analysis of racism, and the guide for reforms to end prejudice. Return the school to a colorblind philosophy and reinforce the cherished beliefs held by 95% or 99% of parents and alumni.
Hire an independent consultant to investigate and describe the curriculum at Loyola especially in theology, social studies, English, and history. Measure the viewpoint score of all teachers and administrators so that a clear picture can be drawn of the ideological makeup of the leaders and teachers. Publish the viewpoint score of all teachers and administrators in a public database (Use the Pew survey of political beliefs to see how easy it is to measure an individual’s political beliefs.). Shed light on the ideological viewpoint of the Loyola staff so that leaders and the board and parents will know when viewpoint commitments are balanced; or completely out of balance, as they are now.
Commit to obtaining viewpoint diversity among teachers and administrators by 2035. Note: Balanced viewpoint diversity is a 50/50 distribution of progressive and conservative, left and right.
Interim Measure: Make available to parents all Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion resources and materials used in the training of teachers and staff. Describe all changes in the curriculum and in the instruction of students deriving from the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion project. Make all class materials public. Allow students to record classes. Prioritize transparency. (Source: KidsWin)
Interim Measure: Create a permanent role for parents in the diversity, equity and inclusion and curriculum committees. (Source: KidsWin)
Provide a formal written method of complaint for students and parents when either are subjected to prejudicial treatment in the classroom or by school administrators based on their race or political views.
Hire a conservative president and maintain a conservative leader for 20 years or until viewpoint diversity has been achieved among administrators and teachers.
Commit to creating a school devoted to vigorous debate on all issues. Bring a new emphasis on writing and argument into the curriculum. Students should spend a minimum of one hour every school day writing. Teach students to research. Teach students to argue. Teach students to defend their views. Teach students to defend the views they personally oppose. Make students who are courageous and powerful in their use of words and argument. Teach students to debate so that they will be capable of leading. Make public debate a daily part of life at school. Make debate a competitive enterprise, with financial commitments equal to what is given to major sports. Make writing, open debate and viewpoint diversity signature strengths of Loyola Academy.
Require all students to take a course in 20th Century government-sponsored murder, totalitarian governments, and left-wing ideology. Emphasize the fate of tens of millions of citizens killed, not in war, but by their own Marxist government, which opposed dissenting opinion with imprisonment and murder. Emphasize especially the regimes of Stalin and Mao. Clarify how these great psychopathic murderers were empowered and deified by the “social-justice” promises of Marxism.
Teach and encourage students to live by traditional views on family and sex, male and female, love and marriage. Ban the use of all teaching which fails to uphold the traditional view of male and female, family, sex, and love. Ban the use of “new” pronouns. Ban the use of gender categories other than male and female. Teach students how to practice the Catholic faith. Encourage students to pursue love, marriage, sex, and children -- in that order. Every day at school a student should pray, attend mass, read the Bible, and do good works. Teach students to live for the glory of God. Teach students to make Catholicism the center of their life. Teach them the greatness of religious faith. Teach students that they have a unique God-given purpose which only their work can fulfill. Teach each student to love God with all of their heart, all of their mind, and all of their soul.
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